ephémère enchainé

Ephémère Enchaîné is musical event, which includes live music performance, music theater and video. The broad topic is the combination of a autobiographic narration with music and images. It is presented as a long Therefore, its form is in between concert, installation, opera, a performance, a story of a life, a life of thousands of persons.
These media (music, narration, videos, performances, sound design)  don't only alternate, but superimpose and a mix of all that together, an attempt to find a unity through chaos, a frantic 12 hours concert, a peaceful 12 hours installation.

i dream of a situation where the audience for music could be free in its movements, whilst being concentrated, and not disturbed by parasite movements or noises. How to find "each one your own position" for listening, being in a public place ?
When one listens to music maybe he or she prefers to do lying on a bed, or the hand on the forehead, or standing up, against a wall.

Another point is the flow.
From Berio on, i've discovered the power of considering music as a part, a portion of a long flow, cut more or less arbitrarly like a sausage, or better like churros.
Indian music considers time to be infinite in both direction, that's the reason the tempura plays this pedal notes starting before the the soloist and finishing after, starting from nowhere, going to nowhere. There is no beginning, no ending. However, our short life is a small window in this infinite duration, therefore it seems a bit of a mie to pretend to start and to finish something, or, more precisely, it's childish, a can reassure ourselves, giving us a feeling of certainty, but certainly a fictitious impression.


Instead, i prefer to propose a huge set of elements, organized indeed, not just thrown in any order, and not in any condition, but to try to develop this timeless, this too-large-time idea, this too-large-for-me time span.
Most of us have limitation in our music listening capacity, as well as our film watching, reading etc. 
To watch a 7 hours movie without a break is a physical challenge.
Good! the feeling of over-time will come from this exhaustion, and need for fresh air, relaxation, whatever.
Meanwhile, the show goes on.
The composition can exceed the capacity of listening of a listener.
Then, what if this composition takes place during the night, at a moment where the audience usually sleeps?
Most of the listeners will fall asleep, (if they accept the idea).

It's at the moment the audience member leaves the performance, that he or she benefits the most from it: this passage tells everything of this ephémère-enchainé feeling which is the transitory condition of our existence. Yes.

The dissolution of the personality in the past, meaning, losing the feeling of being an individual because of the impression of being absorbed by a community of ghosts, of spooks, of prior voices.
A voice doesn't exist. A doesn't exist. Everything is fundamentally plural.