ENCYCLOPEDIA: volume IV is coming !

This is the fourth volume of Prof. Glaçon 's Encyclopedia !
It is entirely dedicated to the animals, invented animals.
Let's recall that the first volume is about music and fishes, the second about musical instruments, the third one about saints (it's a hagiography), and this is the fourth one : 

the complete introduction : 

This book is made like an accordion.
On each page : original collages, with images axtracted from old magazines, engravings, and printed texts by myself. Some of the text will also be hand written (to come, not on the photographs here).
The first accordion has 9 pages, and is a large table describing Darwinian evolution according to Prof. Glaçon.

Each chapter has a different number of pages :

This is chapter one, dedicated to the animals which have something to do with human relationships.

the second chapter is about music and animals.

the third one : special birds.

and so and so...

The accordions will be put in a beautiful box, like the volume three, constructed by Lunetta Bartz, from MAKER, in Johannesburg.
This unique volume will also include a few separate plates, and a DVD.
There will be one in french, one in english, and maybe some variations later.
Ready in september !