the Encyclopedia in Donaueschingen Musik Tage

The Donaueschingen festival invites me in the Prince museum for a concert-installation, which will open tonight, 14th of october until 16th.

Together with Ensemble Recherche and Jim Clayburgh for the lighting, i've designed a new vision of this XIX° century museum, based on the material of my Encyclopedia, written under the cover name of : Henry Jacques Glaçon.

This is the original version of the museum :

Old wood boxes and vitrines, stuffed animals, fossiles, uniforms from the Prince Gard and so and so. Incredibly old fashion.
The project is to add videos, labels, music performances all over the museum so that the visitor has a Glaçon's lecture of it.

Some stuff animals.

This last one is a paper wall i organized in order to make a projection.
The same with the projection :

Soon pictures and movies !